Letoto la li-catalyst tsa petroleum

Letoto la li-catalyst tsa petroleum

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

1.Ho hloekisa Li-Catalysts
2.Polyolefin Catalysts
3.Li-catalyst tsa lik'hemik'hale tsa mashala
4.Catalysts bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa motheo tsa manyolo
5. Li-catalyst tse tsamaisanang le tikoloho
6.Adsorbents Le Batlatsi

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Ho hloekisacatalysthaholo-holo e kenyelletsa li-catalyst cracking catalysts, hydrogenation catalysts, reforming catalysts, joalo-joalo.
• Li-catalyst cracking catalysts li loketse phetoho e sebetsang ea oli e boima ea boleng bo tlaase hore e be oli e bobebe le lisebelisoa tse tala tsa lik'hemik'hale tlas'a likarolo tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso le lits'ebetso tse joalo ka MIP-CGP process, MIP process, DCC process, CPP process, RTC process, LTAG process, FDFCC. ts'ebetso, ts'ebetso ea MFP, ts'ebetso ea ARGG, ts'ebetso ea MCP, ts'ebetso ea MGD, joalo-joalo.
• Lintho tse thusang ho hloekisa metsi bakeng sa tlhoekiso ea mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa oli le lihlahisoa tse kang khase, disele le mashala, oli e tlotsang, naphtha, oli ea boka, oli e tšoeu, oli e fetisang mocheso, solvent oli le sehlahisoa se fetotsoeng tlas'a hydrocracking, hydrorefining le residual. likarolo tsa oli ea hydrogenation.
• Li-catalyst tse nchafatsang li kenyelletsa li- catalysts tse tsoelang pele le li- semi-regenerative reforming catalysts bakeng sa tlhahiso ea oli e hloekileng e khanyang le aromatics e nang le octane e phahameng le sebabole se tlase.
Li-catalyst tsa Polyolefin haholo-holo li kenyelletsa li-catalysts tsa polyethylene, li-catalyst tsa polypropylene, li-catalyst tsa polybutylene, joalo-joalo.
• Li-catalyst tsa polyethylene bakeng sa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa maiketsetso tsa resin likarolong tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso ea polyethylene le maemo a ts'ebetso a kang mokhoa oa GPE, ts'ebetso ea CX, Innovene G process, Innovene S process, Spherilene C bimodal process, Spherilene process, Hostalen process, Luptec G process. , Ts'ebetso ea Unipol, ts'ebetso ea Bostar, Ts'ebetso ea Kakaretso, ADL slurry process, ring and tube process, triple ring and tube process le mefuta e fapaneng ea likarolo tsa polyethylene le maemo a ts'ebetso bakeng sa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa synthetic resin.
• Polypropylene catalysts bakeng sa tšebeliso ea ST process, SPG process, JPP Horizone process, Hypol-Ⅰ process, Hypol-Ⅱ process, Innovene P process, Innovene S process, Spheripol process, Spherizone process, Unipol process, Novolen process HOEST process, intermittent ts'ebetso ea 'mele e nyane le limela tse ling tsa polypropylene le lits'ebetso tsa tlhahiso ea li-resin tsa maiketsetso tse phahameng
Li-catalyst tsa lik'hemik'hale tsa mashala haholo-holo li kenyelletsa SMTO methanol ho olefin catalysts, carbon monoxide coupling synthesis ea dimethyl oxalate catalysts le dimethyl oxalate hydrogenation ho ethylene glycol catalysts, joalo-joalo Li loketse tlhahiso e sebetsang ea olefin e tlaase ea carbon e kang ethylene e tsoang methapong le protheine.
ethylbenzene catalysts for liquid/gas phase alkylation ea benzene le ethylene, isopropylbenzene catalysts for liquid phase alkylation ea benzene le propylene, silver catalysts bakeng sa ethylene oxidation ho ethylene oxide, carbon II/III selective hydrogenation catalystscular molestal sienexidanium, titanium catalyst, titanium dehydrogenation ea butene, anthraquinone catalysts bakeng sa hydrogen peroxide, propylene oxide catalysts bakeng sa oxidation ea propylene, C5/C6 alkane isomerisation catalysts, xylene isomerisation catalysts, phthalic anhydride/cis-anhydride catalysts.phthalic/phthalic anhydride catalysts, joalo-joalo Li loketse tlhahiso e ntle ea ethylene, benzene, xylene, terephthalic acid, ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, styrene, acrylonitrile, vinyl acetate le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa bohlokoa tse tala.
Li-catalyst tse amanang le tikolohohaholo-holo e kenyeletsa S Zorb adsorption desulphurisation catalysts le SCR denitration catalysts.
• S Zorb adsorption desulphurisation catalysts, tse loketseng tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tse hloekileng tsa peterole tse nang le ultra-low sulfur content le ho boloka octane ho babatsehang ka likaroloana tsa peterole tse nang le sebabole.
• SCR denitrification catalysts, e loketseng bakeng sa lik'hemik'hale boiler outlet flue gas ho finyella litlhoko tse phahameng tse tlaase tsa NOx
Li-adsorbents li kenyelletsa 5A spherical molecular sieve dewaxing adsorbent, p-xylene (PX) adsorbent, m-xylene (MX) adsorbent, C5/C6 ortho-isomeric separation adsorbent, joalo-joalo. ho nchafatsa thuso ea NOx, thuso ea ho qhekella ea catalytic ho eketsa tlhahiso ea propylene, lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa metsi tse thusang ho phatloha, thuso ea ho tuka, joalo-joalo.
• 5Ball molecular sieve dewaxing adsorbent, e loketseng karohano ea n-alkanes ho tloha ho iso-alkanes le aromatics ka lihlopha tse otlolohileng tsa tlhahiso ea alkyl benzene.
• Paraxylene (PX) adsorbent le m-xylene (MX) adsorbent, e loketseng bakeng sa ho arohana ha paraxylene e phahameng ea bohloeki le lihlahisoa tsa m-xylene ho tsoa lihlahisoa tse tala tsa carbon octa-monko.
• Li-adsorbents tsa karohano tsa C5 / C6 n-isomeric, tse loketseng karohano e tsoelang pele le e sebetsang ea n-alkanes ho li-alkane tse sa tloaelehang, tse sebelisoang e le likarolo tse ntle haholo tsa ho kopanya peterole le n-alkanes li isomerised ho hlahisa peterole e hloekileng ea octane e phahameng.
• Ho fokotsa li-additives tsa catalytic flue sulfur transfer, tse loketseng phokotso e sebetsang ea likhase tsa SOx ho catalytic cracking regeneration flue flue.
• Catalytic cracking regeneration flue gas NOx reduction additive bakeng sa phokotso e nepahetseng ea mesi ea NOx e tsoang ho catalytic cracking regeneration flue flue.
• Catalytic cracking additive bakeng sa ho eketsa bongata ba propylene e hlahisoang ke catalytic cracking, ho matlafatsa matla a ho phunyeha ha oli e boima le ho ntlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa oli e bobebe.
• Mokelikeli o mongata oa li-additives tsa catalytic cracking, tse loketseng bakeng sa ho senya oli e setseng ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng.
• Lisebelisuoa tsa ho chesa, tse loketseng bakeng sa catalytic cracking e phahameng ea taolo ea COmbustion regeneration dilute phase stabilization kapa ka nako e le 'ngoe ho laola NOx emission.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona